Is it too early for high heels???
It's a miracle! Cousin Lisa with girls!!! (she has 3 boys...) Juli, Lilly and Christine!
Cousins Juli, Ryan and Shane enjoyed the Easter get-together.
Ryan, Josh and Christine enjoyed their Easter presents, character kites and character socks!Dying easter eggs was a hit! Christine would get soooo excited when she would see me pull hers out of the cup. When I would hand them to her, she would try to bang them on the tray or throw them. I didn't hand her many.... :)
Ryan, Josh and Christine enjoyed their Easter presents, character kites and character socks!Dying easter eggs was a hit! Christine would get soooo excited when she would see me pull hers out of the cup. When I would hand them to her, she would try to bang them on the tray or throw them. I didn't hand her many.... :)
Ryan was very meticulous and precise with his eggs, leaving them in for just the right amount of time. And they turned out perfect!
Josh wanted to leave his eggs in there all night, there was never enough color for him. I had to force a finish with stickers to decorate the eggs. Cute kid. We've had a busy couple of weeks, full of fun with friends and family. I have enjoyed listening to the kids share their Easter bible verse from Sunday School recently...
" He is not here, He is RISEN!!!!"
As we approach Easter morning, we remember the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All praise, glory and honor go to Him for His Wonderful and Perfect work on the Cross.