Monday, January 19, 2009


What better a way to round out the hectic Christmas season than with 2 birthdays??? Ryan turned 5 on the 6th of January and I 26 on the 14th...
Ryan got to celebrate 3 times! A special dinner with Grandad, a boys sleepover, and a big family party.

This past Saturday, my mom and Joe took the fam to La Tolteca for my birthday where I had to wear a sombrero while they chanted a birthday song to me. I think Tony and Ryan look much better in the hat...

I will go ahead and post 2 pictures, Christmas related... Ryan's new bike from Nana and Papa Joe (waiting for warm weather to ride!!!).... and the kiddos at a family get together. :)


I'm going to skip all the Christmas pictures this year... they look pretty much the same as last years. If you care to look at them again - you may!

More recently though, Josh got a hold of my camera - without me knowing - and tried to take pictures. The camera was set on video mode and I had 13 videos on my camera this morning. Poor kid was busted...