Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Lego Boy and updated pics

Ryan finished his first lego activity today, all by himself. It was a fire boat, geared for ages 5-8, and at 4 he did it! I was impressed! What a kid!
Here he is with the finished product... the proud architect!
My wonderful father-in-law took the next 3 shots of the kids! Can't wait to have some of them blown up.

Breakfast one morning...
What every parent wants to see! Yea Josh!

Sorry I haven't posted much lately. Kids are keeping busy - as seen above...


Alan & Tina said...

Scott is an amazing photographer! And it doesn't hurt to have photogenic kids who pose well, either!

Jen Zig said...

What great pics - I can't believe I'll be around the next few weeks to drop by and see you and the kids in person!! By the way - what night works for dinner!?

Jessica said...

Jen! We're excited that you're coming too! Dinner sounds great - maybe Hamiltopia style??? We'd be willing to have you any and every night!