Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas in our new home!

I just can't resist these eyes...
Yes, we are the awful parents who gave our son (the Steelers fan) something with a Steelers emblem.  I found it humorous that he happened to be wearing a Ravens jersey!!!
I have 3 handsome boys!!!
Celebrating at Nana and Papa Joe's!
I love Sean's response to the monkey from Nonna!
Poor Sean was sick and sleeping on Christmas Eve morning...
Josh is trying to tell Sean that he's got something "right there"...
My picturesque first Christmas in our new home - real tree, fire in the fireplace and 4 little kids stockings hanging on the mantle :)

Twas the year of giving pictures for the Smith's!

How many kids get excited about new shoes???
Christine got 4 new Adventure in Odyssey cd's this Christmas - and she's loving them!

Surprise Andy!  A new chain saw to cut down a few trees in our yard.  (Did you see our 78 bags of leaves this fall???)
It is Christ's birth that we celebrate each Christmas.  We give gifts to each other, and to our children, because God, our Heavenly Father, gave us the most perfect gift in Christ Jesus!!!


Nana said...

Great pictures Jess! Your tree looks beautiful!

Alan & Tina said...

SIGH!!! This was great to see. Your living room was CALLING to me. (Not that the tree or stockings will be up in February, but maybe we'll put in a request for a fire!) Happy New Year.