Friday, October 26, 2007

Pumpkin Painting

We enjoyed an evening of pumpkin painting with the Gorman's - it's become an annual tradition. The kids had a blast!

Monday, October 22, 2007

A Fall Weekend

A wonderful weekend of birthday parties, costumes and grandparents!

Below are pictures from Tyler and Isabelle's birthday party. Isabelle just turned one and is Christine's friend. :)

All the party-goers in costume! (Ryan is the spiderman in the center)

Pix of Driveway for Pete

Pete - you asked for pictures of your parents driveway and your mom on it! Hope these work for you.

Friday, October 19, 2007

B&O Railroad Museum

Nonna was kind enough to take her great-grandchildren to the B&O Railroad Museum today. A great time was had by all, especially on the train ride.

Below, the kids are waiting for the train ride to start. Josh stayed in his seat for the first half of the ride. He enjoyed the relaxing time!

Meanwhile, Juli and Ryan spent the ride looking out the window.

Christine relaxed on Mom and Nonna's lap for the ride...

Hamiltopia 2

Sorry for the mistake below - still learning.

Yet another fantastic week at the Blackman's!
Chicken curry was delicious!

A beautiful evening to be outside!

Evelyn celebrated her 3rd birthday on the 16th. We had fun celebrating this milestone with her!

Hamiltopia 2

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Another week gone by...

Poor Christine had a rough week. A viral fever turned into a nasty cold which turned into pneumonia. She's on antibiotics and will hopefully be rid of her nastiness quite soon!

Yes, the boys are sticking their tongues out at you. :)
I guess every child tries on their dad's shoes once...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Andy's 27th and Hamiltopia

What a fun day! Andy's birthday and Hamiltopia all in one. Hamiltopia is a weekly gathering of local friends for dinner and fun times. We enjoy one another's company, the laughs, the fellowship, the kids and we MISS JENNY! Enjoy the pics Jenny!

Yes, Andy loves the Simpsons. This gift came with a condition - Bobble Head Homer must remain at his office! :)

That's Evelyn in the handstand position! :)

Now I realize this isn't a great picture of myself, but it wouldn't be Hamiltopia without a nice glass of red wine. Thanks to Alex for holding the bottle. :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

First Timer

I've seen many a friends use blogs as a way to update family and friends afar. I think it's a great idea and hope I can keep up with it! The kids are all doing well and keep us busy. Ryan is 3 and doing preschool at home. Josh is 2 and quite active. Christine is 1 and into EVERYTHING! They are all happy kids with great smiles! Andy is currently in town, not sure for how long though.

Well... here it goes...