Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Mustang

There were 2 videos I wanted to post from the kids outing this afternoon - but the 2nd one just won't seem to take. So we'll have to do with 1 for now....

Christine bopping her head to the music

Sad to see the SPARKLES go???

I, Jessica, am probably the least sad to see these darn things go. The sparkles (also known as glitter or small square shiny pieces) fall daily onto the carpet, giving the disco ball effect all around. Many times have the kids been reprimanded for throwing balls or balloons up at the ceiling and then laughing as the sparkles fell down all around them, covering our couches, walls and their hair! I've vacuumed up far too many sparkles, but yet I still see millions when I look up.

While on our upcoming vacation, new ceilings are being put in and the sparkles will be no more... Bye Bye SPARKLES!!! So sad to see you go...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Back at gymnastics - Josh's first time

The video is a bit blurry - but if you could just suffer through 11 seconds of it - the hopeful laugh will be worth your while!

Ryan's smell test

In school, Ryan's been learning about his 5 senses. The other day, we had a "smell test". Do these things smell good or bad? and Can you determine what the smell is??? He kept trying to peek!

A pirate's life for me

Is it just me, or is Josh too pretty to be a pirate???

Josh's other birthday party

We celebrated Josh's birthday again - on the actual day - by singing happy birthday and eating a specially made Batman cake!