Thursday, December 27, 2007

A LONG Christmas post!

We pray that you, our friends and family, had a joyous Christmas weekend, celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
We had quite the weekend of events - from here to there, there to here, tired and overly spoiled (yet grateful) children and parents...
Thanks to all who made it such a wonderful celebration - We appreciate you all greatly!
The kids had their first Christmas show (at least the first that they all stayed on stage for) at church. Here's all 3 cousins next to one another...And of course there is the infamous opening of presents... Each kid opened in a different way...
Josh chose to eat instead of open presents!
Josh and cousin Lily.

Daddy's new outfit... looks good doesn't it?
Our strong girl...
My handsome wino hubby!Anyone heard the vaseline story???

Merry Christmas from the Smith's!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christine is a citizen!

This morning we had our readoption ceremonies at the Baltimore County Courthouse. Judge Hennegan presided over the case, making Christine's new name official and giving her permanent citizenship in the United States. It was short and sweet - I had more trouble getting the 2 younger kids up into the room and back to the van (along with the THREE new teddy bears that we received)! Pictures are blurry - but they capture the moment.

As you can tell, Christine is thrilled by her new status! :)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Snow... a great way to start off December

The kids had a GREAT time in the snow today. They all looked too cute bundled up so tightly!

Ryan's favorite part was eating the snow.
Josh making snow angels...
On the 1st, we went to my mom's for a Christmas Cookie and Decorating day. This was our attempt at a cousins picture...
Cookie baking was a sprinkle disaster!!!

Ms. powdered donut lips!