Wednesday, September 21, 2011

We enjoyed a visit from the Gorman's this past weekend. Although I don't have any pictures of it - the kids braved the 68 degree pool for about 10 minutes! It was great to have dear friends in our new home and to make some New Jersey memories with them.

Josh never seems to be around to take pictures with the others. That's probably because he's off playing legos in the basement. He, by far, loves our basement set up the most. I should take a picture to show you why - it's TOY CENTRAL!

Sean's 2.5 months now and gaining weight quickly! Many say that he looks just like Ryan, but I do see quite a bit of Ullmann in him...

1 comment:

Alan & Tina said...

yay for friends! I'm so glad someone was able to take you up on the offer! Please keep looks like so much fun. :)